Hiking around Lake Muzzano with Monte Bré and Monte Bolla in background.
Today Rick and I decided to hop on the bus and explore places we see all the time but just have never explored. We stopped by the little Lago Muzzano and followed the hiking trail around 1/2 the lake. The path then led up to the center of the town of Muzzano. The old centers of towns are called the Nucleo. It was very charming and all the old homes in the Nucleo were renovated and so cool with great balconies!
From there we followed both the road and paths upward. From a distance we had seen a church at the top, so we headed in that direction. (It's not the church you see across the lake in the above picture - it is much higher.)
 Old wash house from 1914
A few towns still have their original washhouses. This one wasn't quite that old, only from 1914, but there is a large tub under this roof. The laundry was brought here to be washed. This was up above Muzzano.
A terraced park we found as we came up the path. An awesome place to relax!
Such pleasant things we discover! And every town has shortcut paths to go upwards, and for sure there are always paths leading to a church!
Rick at the top looking out from the church terrace in Biogno (very small town above Muzzano)
A little hazy today, but the view is still mysterious! With the use of my map app on my iPhone, we headed in the direction of Breganzona, where I know there is a bus to take us back to town. The map app also will show where the bus stops are - very handy! After lunch, we did some grocery shopping. The sign below was above some apples at Manor. These are things that can baffle an American! The map app - a free, non-online map app that uses satellite - very handy! Called Galileo |
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